Yves Saint Laurent - Authentication

The Yves Saint Laurent Authentication Committee is responsible for verifying the authenticity of graphic works by Yves Saint Laurent (excluding LOVE-type prints and posters) for individuals, institutions and auction houses. It will be chaired by Ms. Maxime Catroux, Vice President of the Fondation Pierre Bergé – Yves Saint Laurent, and will work closely with a scientific advisory team.

The Committee recommends that the couturier’s drawings be authenticated prior to any sale, donation or other transfer of ownership. The owner of the work should submit a complete file― including the necessary form, high definition images of the work and proof of its provenance―at least fifteen days prior to the meeting of the Committee, which will take place three times a year.

The opinion of the Yves Saint Laurent Authentication Committee will be communicated within fifteen days after the Committee has met. If authenticity has been proven, a certificate will be issued, signed and stamped by the Fondation Pierre Bergé –Yves Saint Laurent.

Yves Saint Laurent Authentication Committee:


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